Brisanje računa putem formulara / Delete your account using form
Želite pobrisati svoj profil na aplikaciji Autoškola: Ispiti i Vožnja? Ispunite formular i unutar 24h ćemo Vam izbrisati profil. / Do you want to delete your profile on the Autoškola: Ispiti i Vožnja? Fill out the form and we will delete your profile within 24 hours.
Ako želite izbrisati svoj profil na aplikaciji Autoškola: Ispiti i Vožnja od developer AlphaBat j.d.o.o., i time sve povezane podatke, slijedite ove korake:
- Na početnoj stranici, do svog profila dođite povlačeći ekran s lijevog ruba na desno (drawer menu).
- Odaberite tipku “Izbriši račun”.
- Unesite svoju lozinku, a zatim potvrdite brisanje profila. Nakon potvrde brisanja profila, svi vaši podaci (email adresa, ime profila i sadržaj) bit će izbrisani iz sustava.
If you want to delete your Autoškola: Ispiti i Vožnja profile developed by AlphaBat j.d.o.o., and thus all related data, – follow these steps:
- On the home screen, access your profile by swiping from the left edge to the right (drawer menu).
- Select the “Delete Account” button.
- Enter your password, and then confirm profile deletion. After confirming the profile deletion, all your data (email address, profile name and content) will be deleted from the system.